Wednesday, May 25, 2016

college essay prompt #2

    Many strive for success, but few are willing to fail. There is a certain mindset that comes with the desire to succeed: the losers are defeated, while the winners are inspired. A time I experienced failure was when I competed for the title of Miss Rhode Island Teen Italia. This being my first pageant, I was hesitant when deciding on whether or not to enter. The negative reputation and social stigma that comes with being a pageant queen was a fraction of what concerned me; my main fear was losing. Despite the encouragement I received from my family and friends, this was a decision I needed to make through my own deliberation.
    My main concern was having the level of confidence needed to make myself vulnerable. After all, it's one thing to be comfortable in your own skin, but it is another to allow an entire crowd of people to judge you for what you are. I worried not only about what others would think of me, but also how it would feel to compare myself to contestants who may be prettier, funnier, or more talented than me. I wouldn't know the outcome unless I tried, so I made the leap and gave it my all.
     The pageant ended up being one of the most unforgettable experiences I have ever had. I was the first runner up-- an excrutiating two points away from the crown. Surprisingly, I wasn't mad. The adventure was a challenge that allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone. I had to applaud myself for trying in the first place, because that in itself was an accomplishment to me. Even though I may not have won, I did not leave empty handed.
      My new found connections, friendships, and optimism changed my perception of success. It made realize that failure is only a stepping stone; it is a fundamental building block to success. If you live in fear of coming up short, you'll never take risks. By taking risks, there will always be a slim chance that I will succeed-- and I would rather have some chance than no chance at all. I am undoubtedly my own worst critic, and toughest competitor. My journey has taught me to take risks, because behind every successful person is an opportunity to improve.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Originality is Dead

    Today's culture heavily depends on technology. Broadcasts, the internet, and various new innovations excite us, however many of these luxuries have little originality. Even our speech is seldom our own-- popular phrases emerge and are repeated to share with the rest of society. This method has become a lifestyle in our day and age. "Reading and writing" has become "reading only." Everything has already been discovered, and it is therefore our job to make something new with it.
    Think about it: there is no work that belongs to an individual. For example, research papers must have citations for every bit of information included. Professors assume that their students are incapable of making inferences for themselves; you must back personal knowledge with something that has already been discovered. A grocery list of each and every idea that has been referenced is then cited. Work relies on the internet which does not in fact evoke creativity but instead gets us into the habit of reading and copying.
    What happened to true art? Frida Kahlo painted self- portraits without the use of technology, but instead channeled her emotion to express new ideas of feminism, self- awareness, and resilience. Martha Graham, mother of contemporary dance defied the normal standards of dance to create her very own style. These inventors used ideas of their own to speak from within. Technology today has removed our vocal chords.
    In part, our generation has been silenced. We are told to follow the rules at all times and must face the consequences when we go our own way. Originality does not come easily when in fear of repercussions. A solution to these problems can be found within the technology. Creators should make work available to everyone. The ecology of freedom will promote society's ability to accumulate information and make inferences that are their own. Ideas will no longer have to be given up to the demoralizing processing of citing endless sources or giving credit to others that received their information from another previous source. The expression of ideas should be celebrated, not discredited. Present day culture is rich in diversity, therefore individuality and creativity is something we should all discover.

Congressional Fundraising

    Politicians are particularly disliked in our society. They have a reputation for being deceiving and dishonest; greedy and corrupt. Extravagant amounts of funds are spent campaigning, which gives the impression of little commitment and too much fun. Congressional fundraising isn't as rewarding as some may assume-- the process has been described as tedious, demoralizing, and degrading.
    Politicians are removed from ornate legislative offices and placed into your quintessential cubicles complete with horrid gray fabric dividers and a call book. They may as well trade in their fancy coat jackets and slacks for a bright- orange jumpsuit. A supervisor is placed to monitor the politicians to keep them on task. Supervisors claim this process is completely necessary, as the congressional workers must "pay their dues" like imprisoned debtors. Nancy Pelosi, famed speaker within The U.S. House of Representatives, owed $800,000 in funds alone in the year of 2014; this is significantly more than the average American's annual income of $50,000 per year.
     So where does the money go? These funds are contributed to political campaigns, geared towards reform and popular sovereignty. The american people are not always fairly represented however. The money raised often goes towards personal agendas. For example, educational reform is promoted to gather funds. Once contributors have donated, their voices may or may not be heard. It is indeed quite a corrupt system... some may even call it a necessary evil. In addition, low- income taxpayers may be unable to donate and will therefore be denied a say in their state or federal legislature.
    Besides having a partial say in social reform, contributors receive tax exemptions. Giving to politicians is quite the gamble; it is not uncommon to find politicians fundraising at their own personal celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, and even pop concerts.
     The painful task takes up approximately 25- 50% of their time. This does not necessarily mean politicians just want your money-- it is part of the job description. Congressman Steve Israel spoke of the horrors. He plans on retiring and claims that he "won't waster any more time fundraising." He confessed to having attended over 1,600 fundraising events throughout his career. There is nothing fulfilling about begging for funds.
     In 2014 alone politicians raised approximately $1.7 billion dollars. Benefits such as tax- cuts or having a say in the state or federal legislature entices donors. Long hours, numerous phone calls, and thousands of fundraisers all help bring together money that brings these campaigns (and over personal affairs) to life. It is clear to see we have come a long way from the socialist ideals of reformers such as Stalin or Sir Thomas More. More's Utopia (1516) promoted the idea of eliminating private property and establishing an 'even playing field' so to speak. This included replacing the spoils system, corrupting the government with unfit associates, and incorporating wise leaders to rule society. Today, the environment we live in is hardly fair-- if you are poor, you will remain poor and be voiceless. If you are rich, you have power. The wealthy will receive benefits in addition to promoting their own agendas. Politicians gain titles unrightfully however their job description is not exactly what you may think-- it can be dehumanizing, humiliating and dreadful. None the less they are only practicing the necessary evils of our political system.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Visual Learning

     Art serves a similar purpose as language. Both are utilized to precisely describe a thought, feeling, or condition in a way that can be easily understood by others. Comic artist Scott McCloud guides his readers through art. Photos and phrases are broken up sequentially to provide a "picture book" effect. This supports basic human comprehension skills, creating visual connections between words and images. McCloud establishes ethos by skillfully combing the two.
     I can recall my struggle learning to read. In kindergarten, I stumbled through letters that looked like meaningless symbols. My mother bought me a case of BOB Books. This was essentially a collection of sight- words that were supported by illustrations. I remember trying read them as my mother pointed to the portraits. Before you know it, I no longer needed my mother's pointing skills-- when I struggled to find the meaning of a word, I used the visual context clues in front of me. Reading became easier for me, however I relied upon photographs to help me along-- almost as training- wheels on a bike. Now that I'm a high school student, I do not read picture books, but I am a visual learner. This means that I prefer diagrams, illustrations, graphs, and charts in order grasp a concept more efficiently (The Visual [Spatial] Learning Style, A visual learner appreciates the marriage of text and image.
     McCloud portrays a "show and tell" scene. A boy struggles to describe how he transforms his toy robot into an airplane. The story contains 16 panels; 6 of which without words. The story portrays the boy's simplistic communication skills. He cannot express each step he takes, uttering words such as "uh" and vague demonstratives to describe his object. Instead, he shows the class by doing. McCloud's work indicates that words are often not enough. Language can be supported by the most fundamental methods of comprehension such as motion, or picture.
      Mastering language is no easy task; I believe the most efficient way to describe oneself is through a deft combination of many. Scott McCloud does this to establish ethos in his art.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Celeb Bodies

    In his essay Celebrity Bodies by Daniel Harris, the author describes the unhealthy nature of celebrities we idolize. Their glamorous lives include strict diets, perfect features, and virtuous habits. It is argued that Hollywood has set the unrealistic standards, such as maintaining a size 0 physique. According to Star Magazine, singer Taylor Swift is 5'11 weighs approximately 120lbs; 7 inches taller and numerous sizes smaller than the average American female. Dangerously thin women of the spotlight seemingly defy male stereotypes of sex appeal. Skin and bones are the antithesis of voluptuous hips and large breasts.
    So who sets the standards? According to Harris, it is our middle class society who decides how perfection must be embody. Hollywood does not inflict these unrealistic standards; it is our notion of what the ideal person should look, dress, and act like. Celebrities should not smoke, drink, or swear just as we do. Brit song- bird Adele smokes like a chimney. Actress Melissa McCarthy fills a size 18. 'Bad Gal RiRi' uses profanity more often than the paparazzi accuses Kim K's butt of being fake. Our principles of flawlessness ultimately determines the success of the Hollywood stars.      
    For some reason, or opinions have a strong effect on these distant stars. We are infatuated with the standards of popular culture; our obsession is described as "pathological in part because they are an absent presence in our lives" (para. 12). Although they are not "physically" there, we seem to know these characters better than we know ourselves. The monsters we create are unfortunately accused as culprits. The bar is set by our mediocre society, yet we prosecute Hollywood for imposing unrealistic standards.
    The irony of it all is that we are in fact belittling ourselves. Under self- abasing tendencies, we collectively impose our deepest insecurities upon the stars. They may be distant, but that does not make them any less human. It has to do with the idea of putting others down in order to feel better about ourselves. There are no personal ties, therefore we feel free to ridicule other beings that are just like us. We drink; we smoke; we swear... just like them. By acknowledging the paradox, you will recognize that despite their physical absence, we are emotionally connected.

Friday, March 4, 2016

My Zombie, My Social Media

    The way I see it, we all have our crosses to bear, and zombies to escape. In his essay My Zombie, Myself, Chuck Klosterman draws a parallel between the principles of zombie slaying and life itself. Klosterman states, "The zombies you kill today will merely be replaced by the zombies of tomorrow" (para. 19). These attacks by the undead never stop coming; no matter how hard you try a new army will arise to devour you. Similarly, the battles we face in life will always hit consistently.
    My zombie happens to be social media. It is like kryptonite glued to my finger tips. The habit to check my accounts has become so habitual I completely unaware of my actions as if brainwashed. My obsession takes hold of me at all hours of the day, from the moment I first wake up, to the second  I fall asleep. It viciously intrudes upon my conversations, interrupts my school work, and damages my self- esteem.
    Scrolling past pictures on sites such as tumblr, instagram, and twitter makes me feel weak. Jealousy sets in, and I get that vacant feeling. A constant desire for the looks and possessions of others deepen the void I feel obligated to fill. How? I have no clue. Materialist items don't help. Buying all the clothing, shoes, bags, and makeup the money can buy will not help. Money truly does not buy happiness.
     Perhaps it is not about having it all, but rather never being content with what I have. Ungratefulness does not sit well with me. In fact, it plagues me. I know that when I check my social media, I am really thinking of how much better life would be if I were just prettier, skinnier, taller, and richer. It will never be enough though. No matter how hard I try, my life will never improve unless I face my zombie.
     The ultimate strategy is to fight my zombie with an attitude of gratitude. If I continue to compare myself to others, I will never be adequate. By loving myself, my family, my intelligence, and other abstract qualities I can rise above the attacks. Although they will never cease to exist, I can learn to live with them nagging at my feet.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pop Culture

    Hip Hop raised me. I am a child of the late 90's who grew under the musical influence of artists such as Whitney Houston, Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Jay- Z. It is a part of up- bring. Hip Hop is my culture. It posses its own dance style, feeling, and fashion. The music is a language of its own. When I need a pick- me- up, I can rely on the music like an old friend. Catchy lyrics, contagious beats, and good vibes flow through my mind, transporting me to another place. The experience is almost spiritual; it resonates within my core and reminds me of my roots. Hip Hop built me.
   I have discovered myself through self- expression. Through dance and motion I can utter what cannot describe in words. By belting out song lyrics, I relate to others. Countless of my most fond childhood memories include Hip- Hop sing-a-longs. Friendly collaborations made bonds; the music brought unity. Rich or poor, black or white, boy or girl, everyone belongs to the same culture. We understand each other because we speak the same language.
    The music has less to do with the violence and drug use and popularity, but more to do with how it feels to portray society we live in. Think of it as a lens through which another world opens up. Sharing in the experiences of others is one of the aspects that brings the unity.
   Author and musician James McBride discusses the aversion he first had towards hip- hop music. As the cultural movement began in the early 1980's, its influence became harder and harder to ignore. McBride realized the culture of "dance, graffiti, and dance" was something he could not escape. "Its structure is unique, complex, and at times bewildering" (para. 8). The author expresses the ignorance that blinded him. On the surface, hip- hop seems to embody materialism. Behind the lyrics, a new world is exposed.
     Hip- hop hold roots deep within us; the music is all around. Experience the culture. It has evolved throughout the ages, shaping each new generation. Never has a movement been so strong, and I encourage you to join.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Virginia Woolf

     In a society where women were not accepted into the work world, novelist, critic, and essayist Virginia Woolf writes to describe her profession: literature. In her writing, Professions for Women, Woolf uses modesty, imagery, and flowery language, to appeal to a female audience.  
    To begin, the author recalls her humble beginnings. She simply describes herself as "...a girl in a bedroom with a pen in her hand" (paragraph 2). She does not get into much detail about her adolescent experiences, and concludes the second paragraph by dismissing her qualifications as a professional worker. She states how little she deserves to be called a professional woman, and the little she knows of the struggles and difficulties of this life style. Modest indeed, Virginia Woolf humble qualification and love for literature is subtly refreshing.
    Next, Woolf captures her audience with fantastic imagery. In paragraph 3, the author describes the importance of maintaining a mind of your own. She writes of her encounters with a phantom who attempts to overtake her, forcing her to write in submissively. She writes, "The shadow of her wings fell on my page; I heard the rustling of her skirts in the room" (paragraph 3). Without using long, drawn out sentences, Woolf paints an imagine in the reader's mind. Her descriptions are detailed, yet subtle. This creative sense appeals to both men and women alike.
    Lastly, Virginia Woolf uses flowery language to outline her experiences. Unlike over political non- fiction writers such as Henry David Thoreau, author of On The Duty of Disobedience (1849),  Virginia Woolf writes in an sophisticated way that is neither condescending nor dry. Her beautiful use of prose enchants the audience and leaves an impact.
     I'm mystified by how effectively; how efficiently Virginia Woolf manages to write. I enjoyed her take on the topic of feminism. She is not overbearing, or scornful, or pompous; Virginia does not attempt to flash her intelligence within her writing as an underlying way to achieve superiority. Instead, she writes from the heart. Her self awareness and mastery of language exudes confidence, setting her apart from any author I have ever read from. Taking note of her simplicity, sophistication, creativity, and depth I hope to one day write in a similar way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

An Obscene Proposal

    The issues of hunger and poverty have disturbed civilization since the beginning of time. Could there finally be a panacea to end the misfortune? Jonathan Swift, author of A Modest Proposal present a feasible solution.
   The author begins by setting the scene. He describes his homeland, full of starving women and infants; mothers of three, four, five, or even six children. Women are unable to work because they are too busy caring for their young. It is states that these children should be made useful to the commonwealth. But how? Swift proposes that the best way to tackle this issue is by eating the children. Somehow, this heinous idea of cannibalism is muted by prose. His subtle proposal seems qualified; reasonable. The author's use of ethos, logos, and pathos makes this argument so convincing.
     Jonathan Swift establishes credibility by using personal pronouns. He not only describes the issues  around him, but also offers his own confessions as well. Swift writes, "As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of our projectors, I have always found them grossly mistaken in their computation" (paragraph 4). In addition his use of personal pronouns, ("I" and "my"), the author also establishes himself as a credible source by informing the audience of his devotion to the matter. He inserts the time and effort that has been put into carefully computing possible solutions. These examples support ethos.
     Secondly, the author uses demographics to persuade readers. Swift writes, "... a child just born will weigh 12 pounds, and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, will increase to 28 pounds" (paragraph 11). By using statistics, Swift appeals to logic. Mathematical figures make his argument stronger by providing more background information and fortifying his knowledge on the subject.
    Lastly, Swift appeals to emotion with his use of vivid language. Scrumptious vocabulary such as "wholesome" and "nourishing" make the idea of eating infants more appetizing. In a nation stricken by poverty, words such as "roasted", "baked", and "stewed" entice readers and evoke an emotional response inflicted by hunger. Swift uses pathos in this way.
    Jonathan Swift presents a outrageously obscene proposal in a manner so eloquent and composed, it appears to be realistic. Perhaps the purpose of this piece was not at all in fact a solution to world hunger, but rather a mockery of unrealistic political aspirations. No matter the intent, Swift's pamphlet is proof that any good writer can construct a well written argument using ethos, logos, and pathos.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pretentious Politics

     The use of pretentious diction serves to inform and persuade. Philosopher Henry David Thoreau writes to criticize the government from a republican point of view. Traditional anti- federalist beliefs include the policy of laissez- faire; a "hands off" government approach. Thoreau supports the strength of the people over the power of the government, which rules without morality. As a resolution the author proposes we rebel, resist, and revolutionize the "bad government" we fought to gain our independence from; the American people have the right to do so as it states in our constitution. Henry David Thoreau supports his claims with his vast knowledge of american patriotism.
    The over- all tone of his essay is broken up by patriotic hymns. "I am too high- born to be propertied, // To be secondary to control,..." (King John 5.1.79-82.-- Eds.). Thoreau uses these lines to support his statement-- men must resist their tyrannical government. He later states, "All men recognize the right to revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable" (paragraph 8). By moving back and forth between citing separate sources and using his own knowledge and opinions, the author writes to establish himself as a reliable source.
     The author also tries to establish a sense of trust and credibility by citing a more abstract source-- morality. Thoreau says, "...most legislators, politicians, lawyers, [and] ministers serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral distinctions" (paragraph 5). He implores readers to demand respect from their government. The reader is made to feel tricked, or, taken advantage of by those who hold power. The topic of slavery serves as a concrete example. It is the duty of our federal government to protect our God given, inalienable rights. Slavery however contradicts the principles within our constitution, framed by former president and republican, Thomas Jefferson. Clearly, all men are not created equal if men are still being bought and sold as property. There is little distinction between black and white within the political parties because the men of power think with a similar mind, and rule with the same desires.
     John Adams once said, "Whenever Vanity, and Gaiety, a love of Pomp and Dress, Furniture... and elegant Entertainments get the best of the Principles and Judgments of Men and Women there is no knowing where they will stop, nor into what Evils, natural, moral, or political, they will lead us". This statement backs Thoreau's ideal that "government is best which governs not at all" (paragraph 1). By using his prior knowledge and his own justified arguments, Henry David Thoreau uses prevention to persuade his audience to resist the federal government and create a lasting sense of moral patriotism upon a foundation of freedom and consciousness.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The OG Feminist

     Before the United States were officially united, men of courage decided to dissolve political ties with Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson, founding father and framer of the U.S. Constitution, outlines the colonies' grievances by utilizing syllogism. He begins by defining inalienable rights that belong to all human- beings. These rights include life, liberty, and happiness. Jefferson also declares the peoples' right to overthrow the government if these principles are not properly protected. Next, the wrongdoings of King George lll are outlined. Lastly, a resolution is proposed. Our Declaration of Independence was thus constructed in this manner. Although we gained political independence, equality and justice was still unestablished.
     Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented "The Declaration of Sentiments" at the Seneca Falls Convention  in 1848. The purpose of this declaration is to declare rights for women. She conveys this statement by  mimicking our patriarchs in the most elegant way possible. Stanton begins in a similar way. Her beliefs are stated: men and women are created equal with inalienable rights and it is the power of the government to protect these rights. If the government does not do so, the governed who suffer may insist upon a new government. Next, a list a wrongdoings is presented. Men are made to be the equivalent of King George lll, and women are The People. Ironically, women were being deprived of all rights as citizens of the United States under the "new and improved" government.
     To conclude, Elizabeth Cady Stanton declares that women are thus allowed to overthrow the government. The author says, "...because women do feel themselves aggravated, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights" (paragraph 20). The female populations' rights are not efficiently protected by the government that was designed under parallel circumstances. As a slap in the face to the patriarchal society, Stanton courageously mocks the principles of our constitution by using structure.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Stylistic Choices of John Adams

    Language is infinitely complex, altering throughout time. More antiquated writings are not as easily comprehended, thus requiring more focus. However, one should not allow the diction and syntax to become so consuming that they take away from the actual content of the message itself. What makes the material so intricate is its peculiarity. An unruly display of capitalization, and structure creates special emphasis. John Adam's letter to his wife Abigail during the Revolutionary war is no exception.
    While fighting for liberty in the midst of war, founding father John Adams receives a series of concerns from his wife Abigail. She pleads for John to remember of the ladies, and warns him that "all Men would become tyrants if they could" (paragraph 9). With unlimited power possessed by the husbands, Abigail states that the women have no problem starting a revolution of their own in response to mistreatment and inequality. John replies, "Whenever Vanity, and Gaiety, a Love of Pomp and Dress, Furniture, Equipage, Buildings, great Company, expensive Diversions, and elegant Entertainments get the best of the Principles and Judgments of Men or Women there is no knowing where they will stop, nor into what Evils, natural, moral, or political, they will lead us" (paragraph 15). John Adams deconstructs the evils of power, and the effect it has on morality. He states that a "Love of Pomp" and "expensive Diversions" will take control of anyone's better judgment-- both men  and women.
     Within this run- on sentence, there is an emphasis. A long list of lavash items are recited vigorously, ensuring a sense of conviction. Words with connotation such as "Vanity", "Dress", and "Furniture" stand out in reader's mind, bringing thought focused upon riches, power, and glory. Random punctuation is seldom seen today in the English language. Mr. Adams manipulates these factors to show fervor towards the matter of discussion.
    I admire how John Adams writes in a fashion that embodies character. The stylistic choices are not intended to be poetic, however passion shines through beneath his diction and syntax. Although seemingly peculiar, the most messages can be discovered not within the actual text, but rather between the lines.