Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Into Adulthood

    The teenage years. You're either too old to participate in the activities you once loved, or too young to  make grown- up decisions. We often feel confined, like wild wolves in a cage-- except this enclosure is actually called high school. Don't get me wrong-- I believe this institution is completely necessary, despite its negative connotations. Becoming a well- rounded citizen determines how we function in society, and helps us to decide which path we'd like to take in life. Our attitude towards life or adulthood itself however yet been matured. Therefore, we must not rush ourselves out of adolescence.
     Our education gives us a taste of what career path we may pursue. With so many options, we stress so much about choosing a career path that we will posses for the rest of our lives. Our provincial mindsets do not allow us to see beyond the false pretense that the "destination" is more important than the journey itself.
      In his article 'Let Teenagers Try Adulthood', Leon Botstein writes, "By the time those who graduate from high school go on to college and realize what is really at stake in becoming an adult, too many opportunities have been lost and too much time has been wasted" (para. 5). In this quote, Botstein claims that in dreaming of adulthood, we are wasting our time. Similarly, I believe that in yearning for the future, we are missing the present. There is nothing wrong with having apparitions, however.
    Because we are young, we have more than enough time to both discover our passion(s) and dream of a life beyond adolescence. We are constantly growing and making new discoveries, therefore learning more and more about what makes us happy. A sheltered childhood acts as a safety net to catch us when we become lost in our pursuit of happiness. Life is truly about the journey, not a destination. If we are not able to recognize this during out transition into adulthood, we will spend our lives in disappointment, always awaiting something more.
     Take what life offers you, and enjoy the ride; beginning to end.

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